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St Benedict's College, Randalstown

St. Comgall's visit to St Benedict's College T&D Department

St. Benedict’s College were delighted to be able to invite all 78 Primary 7 students

from St. Comgall’s Primary School to our Technology and Design Department over three days in December.

Students took part in Santa’s Travel Arrangements Workshop during which they had to come up with an alternative travel arrangement for Santa as his sleigh was out of action. Students explored the many different possibilities from bus, train to rocketship, but in the end all three groups felt it was best to design and make Santa a new sleigh. The sleigh had the advantage of experience!

The workshop began in the Systems Room where students commenced with the

design stage. They used markers, design paper, stickers, stampers, gems and

glitter to enhance their sleigh’s aesthetic appeal and undoubtedly each sleigh was


The next stage was the Manufacturing Stage. This was where students moved to the workshop to shape the runners for Santa’s sleigh. Students knew these were

essential features for making a smooth landing so much time and effort was put in to getting them right. Here students developed their skills of using hand files. They used cross- filing and draw filing techniques to achieve the perfect shape. They really got a taste of what they will do in the T&D department in the not too distant future.

Lastly, students made a return to the Systems Room to assemble their product and begin the testing stages. We knew each sleigh was made to perfection and would be highly functional for Santa to load his presents into as they all passed the test of being able to hold some sweet treats.

Miss Hutchinson, Head of Department, was blown away by the hard work and

determination of all three groups. She thoroughly enjoyed having the students in her department and looks forward to welcoming St Comgall’s back some time soon.

Well done boys & girls. You are definitely designers in the making! Santa’s Sleigh

was saved by St Comgall’s Primary 7s and as we all know he was able to make his

big night rounds delivering presents to all the boys and girls.

Check out the images below to see the amazing work completed by all three groups.

Also, you can review some feedback from the Primary 7 students themselves.


Get in touch

St Benedict's College
5 Craigstown Rd
BT41 2AF

 028944 72411
 028944 73372

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