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St Benedict's College, Randalstown

St Benedict’s Formal – Class of 2024!

On Thursday 5 October St Benedict’s Year 12 Pupils enjoyed a wonderful night at their School Formal. There was great anticipation in school in the lead up to the big event and the evening itself didn’t disappoint!

67 Pupils and 14 staff attended the Formal in the Ross Park Hotel, Kells. On arrival the young ladies and gentlemen sashayed up the red carpet in their finery and were greeted by the Hotel manager who offered them a soft cocktail on reception. John and Pamela Taggart were at hand to take professional photographs as a keep-sake of the night.

There was such a buzz of excitement around the beautifully decorated Banqueting Room as the guests sat to enjoy a delicious meal.

The DJ, Mark, didn’t disappoint either, his street-cred rising with every song as he seamlessly tapped into the musical heartland of our Year 12s! - They boogied, jived, grooved and strutted their stuff with no apparent inhibitions!

Well done to Sky and family who arranged Pupil Prizes with the support of Orlaith and Ciaran on the night.

Prizes were awarded from Staff too; Belle of the Ball was awarded to Aliayah and Sarah-Jane, Prince Charming went toAlby, Mr Sauve was McKenzie, Miss Congeniality was won by Gabi and the Funkiest and Grooviest dancers were Charli and Karol.

Chat was had, fun and innocent laughter radiated across the room – a night to remember indeed! Then, all too soon, it was back on the bus and return to the college for 1am.

Can I sincerely thank Parents, guardians, the office staff, Conroy and all those staff who supported the efforts in making the Year 12 Formal Night magical!

The pupils were outstanding and acted as exceptional ambassadors for our school.

The hotel staff didn't miss informing us of what they thought - 'Our favourite School' 'We sigh relief when its St Benedict’s’ 'Give us your school any day' and 'St Benedict's Pupils amaze us' –

just some of the quotes from the Ross Park staff.

Congratulations Year 12!

Mr O’Kane - Manager of KS4


Get in touch

St Benedict's College
5 Craigstown Rd
BT41 2AF

 028944 72411
 028944 73372

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