Students, parents and staff celebrated another excellent set of GCSE results in St Benedict’s College last week with 69% of their Year 12 students achieving 5A*-C grades. The College’s top performing student was Liam Matthews who achieved a superb 5As, 3Bs and 2C grades. Ellen Mc Quillan was the highest achieving girl, securing a fantastic 2As, 7Bs and 1C. They are among a large number of our students who are progressing to our partner schools to continue their studies at Post 16.
Mrs Mc Ateer, the newly appointed Principal of St Benedict’s paid tribute to the students. “I would like to congratulate all of the Year 12’s on their achievements. They must be commended for the high grades and the success they have attained today. On behalf of the whole school community I want to wish them happiness and success as they move forward in their chosen pathway.
I also want to commend the staff of the College who have, under Mr D Shivers leadership, worked tirelessly to ensure that our students reached their full potential and achieved at the highest level. Their commitment to the students and to excellence is clear. I thank them on behalf of the governors, parents and of course the students themselves.”
In addition, Mrs Mc Ateer applauded and thanked the parents of the Year 12’s for their constant support of the teachers and the College.