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St Benedict's College, Randalstown



Parents are the prime educators of their children so we work hard to develop and sustain positive and respectful partnerships between school and home.We are accessible to parents at all times and operate an open door policy. We communicate with parents on an ongoing basis through phone calls, texts, letters and flyers. Parents are invited to school to attend Induction Meetings, Parents’ Meetings, SEN Information Evenings, Careers Events and Parent Workshops. Through our Extended School Programme we offer Parent/Child cookery and pottery classes. As valued stakeholders we invite parents to comment on and evaluate our provision through discussions and the completion of evaluative questionnaires. In 2017 we established a new PTA, Friends of St Benedict’s.


We are proud to be a member of the Moving Forward Together Partnership within the Antrim Borough Council. It sees nineteen nursery, primary and post primary schools working together collaboratively. Our school choir has sung with the MFT choir who perform in a variety of concerts annually.

Our staff have engaged in cross sector working parties which have focused on sharing good practice and resources in the areas of SEN, Literacy and Numeracy and have also received training on promoting Positive Mental Health through the partnership. Our parents have been offered the opportunity to attend ASD support workshops.

We value highly MFT as it is a key vehicle for important collaborative work with ourselves and students and staff in our key feeder primary schools.


St Benedict’s College is currently an 11 to 16 College. As such we are fully aware of the need to have clear pathways in place for our students post 16. We have developed strong links with local businesses and employers, the Northern Regional College and of course our partner post primary schools within the wider family of Catholic Schools in the area.


St Benedict’s College has been actively involved in the Shared Education Signature Project since its inception in 2016. Our Shared Education Partnership sees us work collaboratively with Antrim Grammar School and Parkhall Integrated College. All KS3 pupils in the College have had the opportunity to participate in joint LLW lessons co developed and co delivered by teachers from all three schools in the partnership. The schools established a Joint Student Council in 2017 and members of our School Council are actively involved in it. In May 2018 our students and staff visited Westminster with the Joint Council. We are fully committed to Shared Education as it allows our students to learn more about other cultures and religions and challenges them to welcome, include, respect and value everyone. Our staff have benefited too from their participation in a joint staff development programme delivered across the Shared Education Partnership.

Get in touch

St Benedict's College
5 Craigstown Rd
BT41 2AF

 028944 72411
 028944 73372

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© 2021 by St Benedict's College

Designed by Wholeschool


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